Anti-Hilary Duff

Green with Envy?
Before Posting on the Guest-book...
Green with Envy?
Stuff by Hilary Duff
Metamorphosis Lyrics
Hilary Duff Lyrics
Most Wanted Lyrics
With Love...
Skimpy Clothing
The Webmistresses


Let's start and end the arguments and rebuttles here, yes?

1. Her singing 'career.' I know I'm not the greatest singer on Earth. However, I do not want to sound worse, which I would if I wanted Hilary Duff's voice. I also do not want to sing pop music that isn't written by me. I am a musician. I write my own music and play my own instruments.

2. Her acting 'career.' I know I'm also not an amazing actress, but neither is Hilary Duff. She acts in basically the same role everytime, and can hardly act convincingly in the sweet, wholesome girl role. If I were to be an actress, I'd go for roles in movies such as Charlotte Grey, The Missing, Lord of the Rings, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sleepy Hollow, Donnie Darko and King Arthur. I'd be more jealous of Cate Blanchett, to be frank.

3. Her looks. I don't like bleached hair, and I don't want brown eyes. My eyes are a nice greenish color, and my hair is a dark brown. I like how I look. I am quite happy with myself, thank you. The only make-up I wear is around my eyes, and anyone who looks at her can tell she wears way probably more than needed.

4. Her clothing. I like my style. Yes, I have a style all to my own. I wear what I want, not what's in fashion, as overused as it is. I wear what I think looks good for me. Her clothing is trashy in my opinion. Trashy and slutty. Sadly, she pays hundreds of dollars for clothes average people wouldn't be caught dead in. She paid 150$ (approx) for a pair of jeans! That is a waste of money.

5. Her popularity. While I do wish to be famous one day (either as a musician or novelist) I do not want to appeal to teeny-boppers, tweens or kids under twelve (that have no basis of reality/life). I would like to appeal to teens/adults in their twenties who are opinionated, concerned about the world, and interested in more than just the latest fad. I would hope the people interested in my art weren't ditzy.

6. Her personality. I am not foolish, bubbly, or a teen-queen. I enjoy reading, writing, playing instruments, and avoiding being seen as a blonde, as the term goes.

7. Music tastes. She insulted Amy Lee of Evanescence.
Enough said on said subject.

8. She is a charlatan. I do not consider myself fake. I do not go for fashion trends or what's hip. I am willing to admit when someone-even if I don't like their music- can sing or play an instrument well. I think Christina Aguleira and JoJo can sing well, but I don't like their music. I'm not vain enough to say someone is a bad musician/singer just because it's not "cool." I don't participate in activities and subjects that I have no interest in, because I don't want to waste my time, even if it is "trendy" to do something.

9. Her 'song writitng' ability. On her second album, she apparently co-writes some of the tracks. Having read these songs, I would NEVER want her "ability" to write songs. I can write a better song than hers in a half hour. This isn't bragging by the way; I'm going by what Fallon's told me about what I've written. Though, I'm not humble enough to say my writing stinks. I think it's decent- especially for someone my age.

10. Her fans. Having talked to some of these people, I can safely say I would not want to know the majority of her fans. They are really stupid. I figure some are smart and have common sense, but not the ones I've met. Again, I also do not want to appeal to little "tweens" and teeny-boppers in whichever career I end up in.

11. Her weight...or lack thereof. I am healthy. She is too skinny. Maybe she should start eating more. I like food, and I don't give up things I like, because what's the point? If I'm not obese and I'm happy with myself, I don't care. We all die, anyway. May as well have your cake and eat it too (even though I dislike cake...).
12. Compassion to Animals? Try trying to look good for the cameras. Appealing to the public by saying "NO WAY, I'm not testing my products on animals!" (Well, thank you, at least, Duff.)
      But. If she had compassion for animals, why would she do a "Got Milk?" ad and advertise the explotation of cows and the murders of calves for veal? If she had compassion for animals, she would be a vegetarian/vegan. If she had compassion for animals, she wouldn't buy leather.

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